OWASP AppSec Tutorials
Introduction Video For OWASP ACADEMY
The first episode in the OWASP Appsec Tutorial Series. This episode describes what the series is going to cover, why it is vital to learn about application security, and what to expect in upcoming episodes
Your Instructor

Jerry Hoff is the lead of the OWASP AppSec Tutorial Series project, is VP of the Static Code Analysis division at WhiteHat Security and is a Managing Partner at Infrared Security. Having performed code reviews and penetration tests of hundreds of applications for Fortune 500 companies, Jerry Hoff is an experienced application security practitioner. He also has over a decade of professional training experience at an advanced degree level. His application security experience coupled with his training experience helps ensure the OWASP AppSec Tutorial Series project continues to deliver exceptional episodes free for the community!
Course Curriculum
StartOWASP Appsec Tutorial Series - Episode 1- Appsec Basics (8:31)
StartOWASP Appsec Tutorial Series - Episode 2- SQL Injection (10:18)
StartOWASP Appsec Tutorial Series - Episode 3- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) (10:05)
StartOWASP Appsec Tutorial Series - Episode 4- Strict Transport Security (6:58)